Adding to our Value
Building the value, exposure, and industry credibility of NAWIC has always been a priority. With each chapter, region, and national leadership position I've held, creating that constant improvement model as the Northstar, I've made measurable contributions to the associations evolution and its bottom line. Below are some of the accomplishments.
Recruitment AccomplishmentsNATIONAL, REGION & CHAPTER
Region Membership Chair
Red Coat, Star Recruiter [multiple]. Winner of Founder's award [multiple] and winner of the NAWIC jewel necklace.
1. Lunch & Learn: Focused on negotiating with top decionmakes to define their support then developed a presentation strategy to their potential NAWIC members that included onsite and support interactions.
2. Apprentice & Students:
Developed an inclusive sponsorship that made is simpler for organizations to pass sponsorships which include memberships through their unique funding systems.
3. Levraging Industry:
Requested inclusion to third party programs so that the cost of membership was a benefit that their participants could utilize to join NAWIC.
4. Targeted key high profile industry standouts and worked diligently to bring them into NAWIC.
Excellence Awards
Co-Chairs Rita Brown, Doreen Bartoldus
Developed during my tenure on the Board, we were challenged with identifying additional income streams while increasing the organization's relevance and exposure. I proposed and spearheaded this endeavor with select Board colleagues and implemented a well-thought-out and immediately profitable way to do just that. Each year now, our members have the opportunity to migrate out this award that highlights the best projects and partners across the country.
Affinity Groups
While serving as Region Director for NCR, I developed a series of affinity groups that allowed members with like positions, interests or other similar concerns. Our region revamped and/or created the following affinity groups:
Women of Color
Business Owners/C-Suite
Legacy Member
With some initial challenges, these groups became a vibrant part of our region, and their creation evolved into national Counsels of the same being established.
Chair: Kristy Stewert
Co-Chair Rita Brown
Founding Members - MOSAIC
The Women of Color Affinity group was expanded to become the foundation of the DEI Counsel. For an organization built on the premise that our gender was an underrepresented population in the industry, it was a huge undertaking to design and develop one of the most vibrant and effective Counsels to drive NAWIC into a leadership role during a time in our national history that required accountability and vision. The women that volunteered and still lead this endeavor are significant.
Region Director
1. I established annual sponsorships and procured funding that stabilized region financial health and which are, to this day, funding NCR activities. This lessened the burdon of region event fundraising from the shoulders of our chapters and created a legacy of stability that future Directors would benefit from.
2. I updated antiquated communications processes and procedures and modernized the region website.
3. Expanded membership and outreach to authentically represent our industry including providing a mechanism for affinity groups to reachout to our region membership.
4. Handled threats to the region solvency and volunteer capacity challenges with grit, transparency and integrity when key members were unable to fulfill their duties.
Chapter Leadership
I served on the Board as Secretary, VP, President and multiple committee chairs
Accomplishments of note:
1. Expanded significantly our membership and created an atmosphere of inclusion and opportunity.
2. Doubles our sponsor revenue.
3. Re-established signature events.
4. Developed with intention the stable of leadership ready members to insure future success.
1. Grew the chapter from the smallest in MI to largest in 2023 with a significant amount of student and tradeswomen members.
2. Oversaw an overhaul of sponsor opportunities that stabilized the Chapter finances early each year.
3. Established new events and increased engagement from membership and industry.
Strategic Plan
Was key in updating the Mission, Vision and Strategic Plan through a robust Board level process. Alignment, opportunity and member needs were all at the forefront of this important endeavor. Modernizing the voice of NAWIC through intential outreach and growth required re-evaluation of all aspects of the organization. This process was started and needs to be revisited.
Expansion Task Force
Lead: Rita BrownBoard Liason: Catherine Schonenburg
This taskforce in short order developed a fact based and strategic way to identify and nurture development of future NAWIC chapters. Through an anaysis of building activity, member interest and industry supports in place, we created a template that if used would allow for reasoned and intentional expansion.