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- Home | Rita Brown
VISION + EXPERIENCE =IMPACT. Steel Detailer/Business Consultant Rita Brown NAWIC: President Elect Candidate Testimonials READ MORE Recognized Industry Leader Appointed, State Transportation Commission The Michigan State Transportation Commission is the policy-making body for all state transportation programs. It is comprised of six members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the State Senate. The Commission establishes policy for the Michigan Department of Transportation in relation to transportation programs and facilities and other such works as related to transportation development, as provided by law. Responsibilities of the Commission include the development and implementation of comprehensive transportation plans for the entire state, including aeronautics, bus and rail transit, providing professional and technical assistance, and overseeing the administration of state and federal funds allocated for these programs. 14 Years as Program Director. Exposure Program, Founder
- Testimonials | Rita Brown
INDUSTRY TESTIMONIALS Leading with Authenticity Some words from industry colleagues and clients. Krystle Schnell Instructor OE324 NAWIC members, I am writing today to offer my support to NAWIC Lansing Chapter 177 President Rita Brown for the position of NAWIC national president-elect.My name is Krystle Schnell, and I have worked as a tradeswoman in the construction industry for 13 years. For the last 3 years, I have strived to build a sense of community with the women in our organization. It has been a long process, trying to create a platform where our women could actively support each other and truly lift each other up. We are making strides in this now thanks to the help and support of Rita Brown and NAWIC Lansing Chapter 177. Rita has been a critical player in gaining involvement with and for these women. By creating an opportunity to bring in our apprentices as student members with NAWIC, she has helped to connect us not only with each other but with women of other trades as well. This has strengthened our sisterhood at its core and led to increased interest in holding and participating in women’s groups on an organizational level. This organizational involvement goes so much further than our female membership. It includes the buy-in from our male allies at top levels of management which allows us to grow and expand at an expedited rate. The support and opportunity provided by Rita Brown to the boots-on-the-ground tradeswomen has been invaluable and is appreciated more than she could know. I am so grateful for her willingness to spend endless hours, voluntarily, to make this possible for us. Beyond the commitment that she has shown to our organization, she has proved to be an incredibly dedicated sponsor. She has shown time and time again that she does not just talk about opening doors for women. She actively pushes those doors out of the way and pulls others in right beside her. She puts her reputation on the line to give others the chance to exceed and supports them every step of the way. As one of the many women she has done this for, I can say firsthand that this woman is a powerhouse for the advancement of women in the construction industry. Leadership like Rita’s is what can truly make a difference. It certainly has for me and the skilled tradeswomen in Michigan. That is why I support her wholeheartedly, and I hope you will as well. Thank you for your consideration. Thank you, Krystle Schnell InstructorOperating Engineers 324275 E. Highland RoadHowell, MI 48843 Hilary Peach, Author ABOUT THICK SKIN Rita Brown is a firecracker. She sees issues that other people only look at, and responds effectively with speed, creativity, and grace. She’s whip-smart and savvy, a committed problem-solver, and more than anything Rita Brown knows how to get things done... Rita is always working, always thinking, and her commitment to lifting women up is beyond measure. Sam Clark, CEO/President Clark Construction As long as I've known Rita, she has worked tirelessly to help others. Rita has selflessly volunteered her leadership, skills, and time to support under-represented people in construction, engineering, and architecture. Her capacity to support diversity, equity, and inclusion with several organizations while running her business is extraordinary.
Adding to our Value BUILDING NAWIC Building the value, exposure, and industry credibility of NAWIC has always been a priority. With each chapter, region, and national leadership position I've held, creating that constant improvement model as the Northstar, I've made measurable contributions to the associations evolution and its bottom line. Below are some of the accomplishments. Recruitment Accomplishments NATIONAL, REGION & CHAPTER Region Membership Chair Red Coat, Star Recruiter [multiple]. Winner of Founder's award [multiple] and winner of the NAWIC jewel necklace. 1. Lunch & Learn: Focused on negotiating with top decionmakes to define their support then developed a presentation strategy to their potential NAWIC members that included onsite and support interactions. 2. Apprentice & Students: Developed an inclusive sponsorship that made is simpler for organizations to pass sponsorships which include memberships through their unique funding systems. 3. Levraging Industry: Requested inclusion to third party programs so that the cost of membership was a benefit that their participants could utilize to join NAWIC. 4. Targeted key high profile industry standouts and worked diligently to bring them into NAWIC. Excellence Awards NATIONAL LEVEL ACCOMPLISHMENT Co-Chairs Rita Brown, Doreen Bartoldus Developed during my tenure on the Board, we were challenged with identifying additional income streams while increasing the organization's relevance and exposure. I proposed and spearheaded this endeavor with select Board colleagues and implemented a well-thought-out and immediately profitable way to do just that. Each year now, our members have the opportunity to migrate out this award that highlights the best projects and partners across the country. Affinity Groups NATIONAL LEVEL ACCOMPLISHMENT While serving as Region Director for NCR, I developed a series of affinity groups that allowed members with like positions, interests or other similar concerns. Our region revamped and/or created the following affinity groups: Tradeswomen Women of Color Business Owners/C-Suite Legacy Member With some initial challenges, these groups became a vibrant part of our region, and their creation evolved into national Counsels of the same being established. DEI Expansion NATIONAL LEVEL ACCOMPLISHMENT Chair: Kristy Stewert Co-Chair Rita Brown Founding Members - MOSAIC The Women of Color Affinity group was expanded to become the foundation of the DEI Counsel. For an organization built on the premise that our gender was an underrepresented population in the industry, it was a huge undertaking to design and develop one of the most vibrant and effective Counsels to drive NAWIC into a leadership role during a time in our national history that required accountability and vision. The women that volunteered and still lead this endeavor are significant. Region Director Highlights Region: 1. I established annual sponsorships and procured funding that stabilized region financial health and which are, to this day, funding NCR activities. This lessened the burdon of region event fundraising from the shoulders of our chapters and created a legacy of stability that future Directors would benefit from. 2. I updated antiquated communications processes and procedures and modernized the region website. 3. Expanded membership and outreach to authentically represent our industry including providing a mechanism for affinity groups to reachout to our region membership. 4. Handled threats to the region solvency and volunteer capacity challenges with grit, transparency and integrity when key members were unable to fulfill their duties. Chapter Leadership Highlights Detroit: I served on the Board as Secretary, VP, President and multiple committee chairs Accomplishments of note: 1. Expanded significantly our membership and created an atmosphere of inclusion and opportunity. 2. Doubles our sponsor revenue. 3. Re-established signature events. 4. Developed with intention the stable of leadership ready members to insure future success. Lansing: 1. Grew the chapter from the smallest in MI to largest in 2023 with a significant amount of student and tradeswomen members. 2. Oversaw an overhaul of sponsor opportunities that stabilized the Chapter finances early each year. 3. Established new events and increased engagement from membership and industry. Strategic Plan NATIONAL LEVEL ACCOMPLISHMENT Was key in updating the Mission, Vision and Strategic Plan through a robust Board level process. Alignment, opportunity and member needs were all at the forefront of this important endeavor. Modernizing the voice of NAWIC through intential outreach and growth required re-evaluation of all aspects of the organization. This process was started and needs to be revisited. Expansion Task Force NATIONAL LEVEL ACCOMPLISHMENT Lead: Rita Brown Board Liason: Catherine S chonenburg This taskforce in short order developed a fact based and strategic way to identify and nurture development of future NAWIC chapters. Through an anaysis of building activity, member interest and industry supports in place, we created a template that if used would allow for reasoned and intentional expansion.
- Volunteer Highlights | Rita Brown
Rita Brown brings 30 years of experience, as a structural/misc. steel detailer and construction-related small business owner. Her experience was earned through boots on the ground hands-on work punctuated by management and education initiatives; the construction industry has provided a strong path to professional success and her work continues to influence the process and priority of an industry that traditionally is challenging to women. In addition to construction and emerging tech, Ms. Brown is a champion of innovation in engagement and workforce outreach and program development. In a volunteer capacity, Ms. Brown currently serves as NAWIC [National Association of Women in Construction] Lansing Chapter President, is the former President of NAWIC Detroit, is the State of Michigan President NOW [National Organization for Women], is a founding member of North American Professionals in Building and Infrastructure, serves as National Director for The Build Initiative [workforce and education programs for women], is an AGC National D&I Past National Chairwoman [Assoc. Of General Contractors], a former AGC MI Board member and current DEI MI AGC and AGC National Specialty Subcontractors Committee member. She serves as Trustee and Vice Chair for MASCI, a registered apprenticeship collaborative in the state of MI, and a member of GLFEA [Great Lakes Fabricator and Erectors Association], NABWIC and a number of industry organizations. She also serves on Lawrence Technological University ’s STEM Advisory Board and former guest lecturer to Wayne State University Susan Harwood and CET Work Zone Safety Training Grants Advisory Committee. Brown is also former North Central Region NAWIC Director to the National NAWIC Board and additionally worked on committees and task forces specifically targeting growth, membership, chapter development, marketing, and professional affinity groups. A particular point of pride is the path that Brown put in place for her region to thrive with significant and still in place financial resources designed to assist and support future Region Directors. Brown is a data based strategist and has brought significant income and resources to NAWIC through signature program development, new sponsorship connections and innovative packaging of existing NAWIC opportunities. She has won multiple NAWIC Founder's awards, with a Red Jacket designation, gone on to with the first recruiting necklace and been a noted star recruiter for years. This mom of five humans, gran to one adorable squishy baby and replacement mom to three canines, brings authenticity, experience, and an unapologetic claiming of space in an industry that is often challenging; she is significant. Challenge manifests in many forms, but with each challenge overcome, Brown has elevated, amplified, has been intentional and relentless in recognizing, spotlighting and making room at the table for those who have been willfully repressed, unfairly maligned and discouraged from achievement. Contact Me! Let's connect. ritabrowndcc[at]
- Podcasts | Rita Brown
some Podcasts Construction Buzz Insight and conversation about timely construction topics. This series has been mothballed at present, but still maintains a high level of plays on previously recorded episodes. Check it out. P3Project Rita talks about her work on the Associated General Contractors of America’s Diversity and Inclusion Council, NAWIC and the organizations work to create greater inclusion in the construction industry. American DBE Magazine Check it out. Hazard Girls: Working in Non-Traditional Fields The construction industry is one of the best industries for women to gain parity and is a sector with one of the smallest gender pay gaps. This does not mean there is not still a great deal of work to be done in the space. Rita Brown is a passionate and proven advocate for the advancement of women in construction. She is an award-winning writer, entrepreneur, and construction industry professional with over 25 years of experience. Wearing many hats, Rita is the CEO of BCC+, which covers the niches of steel detailing, the COO of Detroit Steel, and the Co-Owner of Bold Bitch Media. In this episode, we talk about Rita’s construction experience and how it ties into her interest in politics and social justice. We also hear about the importance of diversity and how a self-interest and bottom-line-driven argument will ultimately result in meaningful change. Underrepresented groups like women and minorities need to have supportive spaces where they can drive conversations around inclusion. Rita touches on the work she does through Project Accelerate and North American Association Professionals in Building & Infrastructure and shares how you can get involved. She is a trailblazer in the construction industry, so be sure to tune in to hear it all! Check it out. some Videos Janellyn builds her knowledge of construction careers with industry consultant Rita Brown! Janellyn visits a skilled trades training center with Rita Brown, learning how STEM is essential for construction-related careers in architecture, carpentry, engineering, and more! WKAR Curious About Careers Check it out. Learn more about the award winning programs that Rita founded 13 years ago and how they have exposed opportunity and practical knowledge to hundreds of women presently in, or interested in the industry. Visit the video library. On Utube or through the original website. This program is currently an adopted WDI of MI supported program. Project Accelerate! #PA! Check it out. Get in Touch 248.633.8564 ritabrowndcc[at]
- Contact | Rita Brown
Contact Me Here First Name Last Name Email Subject Message Submit Thanks for submitting! Available Here Too ritabrowndcc[at] Looking forward to hearing from you.
- NAWIC Best Person | Rita Brown
Best Person for the Job Rita Brown By: NAWIC On: 01/18/2023 12:00:20 In: Best Person for the Job There are many paths to a career in construction. Rita Brown describes her unique path as “hard work, often in the face of bias and ignorance.” There are many paths to a career in construction. Rita Brown describes her unique path as “hard work, often in the face of bias and ignorance.” “Education and preparedness multiplied by an unparalleled immigrant work ethic was my foundation,” Brown said. “That lesson of hard work, often in the face of bias and ignorance, showed me that purpose, perseverance, integrity, and relentless dedication is in itself a formidable strength and a true path to success.” The CEO of BCC+ and EmergeTech, LLC, Brown grew up in the construction industry working summers and after school in her father's engineering and detailing company. From counting cars for their traffic division, learning how to run prints and draw steel, to answering phones, handling project documents, and providing administrative support, she was exposed early on to the diverse opportunities in construction. She also learned from her father, who worked his way up from being a graduate student to CEO/President, that the industry could provide a solid career. As a woman in the industry, particularly a woman of color, her greatest challenge “has come from those who are reluctant to embrace innovation or progress: generationally, ethnically, or in terms of thought leadership. Those challenges become an opportunity when you use those moments to better hone your intentions and honor your integrity.” Whether advocating for a skilled workforce, innovation integration, a more efficient economic energy system, or adoption of JEDI (justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion) initiatives, Brown has had an impact on the industry. “What got us here won't get us there, and the industry is starting to make that tangible shift. It's a good start,” she said. "What's been incredibly affirming is the majority of colleagues and friends in this industry that have supported and encouraged my career, projects, and accomplishments, large and small, and who are there for the many bumps and redirections that we all face at times.” One of the initiatives Brown works on is Project: Accelerate! It is an industry exposure program for women that Brown founded with initial local sponsorship support from NAWIC and other industry partners. In the last 10 years, graduates of the program have gone on to careers in construction from entry-level to CEO. In 2017, Brown was invited to discuss the project at a White House policy briefing. “Contributing to salient discussions on workforce and program development was also pretty darn cool,” she says. "I'm beyond excited by the pivotal opportunities in influencing and changing culture and helping entities grow with solid, modernized and equitable business processes and programs. The reimagination of tasks, incorporating innovative blended positions, adding consideration for reducing the reproductive-based bias, and adding in pregnancy and family care considerations are aspects of a progress-driven industry that will benefit all of us.” “Be aspirational. Be intentional.” Brown encourages women to research opportunities and explore their interests in the field, as well as to seek mentorship opportunities. “The building industry is expansive, and if that is where you want to be, there's a place for you at whatever age, gender or training level you are at.” About NAWIC Since becoming a member of the Lansing, Michigan chapter, Brown has served NAWIC in many roles, including Region Director/National Board Member, Region Membership/Marketing Chair, Chapter Immediate Past President, President, VP, Secretary, Director, National Task Force Lead, and MOSAIC DEI. “NAWIC at its best is a collaborative professional organization. I've been able to leverage opportunity, talent and relationships that have tremendous value in my world.” If you know of a NAWIC member that deserves to be recognized as a Best Person for the Job, contact us today! Contact I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect. ritabrowndcc[at] 248.633.8564
- About Rita | Rita Brown
Adversity is an opportunity. As a lifelong advocate for jobsite safety, security, parity, opportunity and innovative process development based on sound business practices, I base decision-making on solid industry experience and a global vision for a better future for all. I know we can and will continue to build on our NAWIC profile and foundation in this industry, leading the next wave of construction professionals. I am seeking your vote for NAWIC President Elect. Rita Brown It's not the same Our industry requires innovation and fresh ideas to lead our future successes. I bring a solid industry set of credentials and extensive NAWIC association experience. With local, region and national Board experience in NAWIC, and on NAWIC's behalf, I am confident that I will represent you with clarity of purpose. Claiming the Space I'm here in this industry because I've earned the place and I've earned the space. Find out more about my professional background here. In addition to NAWIC, I've also held leadership or advisory positions in the following organizations. State of MI Transportation Commission AGC - National and state MASCI - State Vice-Chair BUILD, National Director NOW - State of MI, President Wayne State Univeristy, Construction Safety Advisory Board Lawrence Technical University, STEM Advisory Board Goodwill MI - Construction Advisory Board In the News Check out some of the articles and conversations with the media I've had the priviledge of having. I'd Love to Hear From You. Here's How You Can Reach Me Get In Touch
- In the News | Rita Brown
“She has a true commitment to change — changing industries, changing workplaces and changing the opportunities available to diverse, traditionally underserved groups,” said Lee Graham, executive director of Operating Engineers 324’s Labor Management Education Committee. “In our industry, that often has meant women and people of color,” said Graham, — adding that when it comes to changing the industry’s perception, “there are few people working harder and more successfully,” than her. Construction Dive Magazine In the News Gearing Up. Showing Up. Always. I am delighted to share our industry and the opportunity in it, for all women. - Rita Brown Crain’s Detroit Business Designated honoree Construction Dive Magazine Obstacles to Opportunities. Construction Business Owner Magazine 20 Top Women Captech Rita B rown, Expert Leader and Entrepreneur Define yourself. Be bold. Make no concessions to mediocrity. Rita Brown Curious About Careers Rita B rown, Construction Consultant Women in Construction Week 2024: Management Role Increases and Other Key Statistics WJR .com Building The Future ~ Trailblazers Boost Women in Trades
- Building Membership | Rita Brown
Membership Data Matters As of 3.24. the number of members hovers at 5200. If you review the post-COVID trend, we had significant gains that mirrored national trends for professional organizations from 2020 through 2023 with significant increases in 2022 and 2023. Our 2024 has seen a marked dropoff in renewals. Chronic issues with technology on the national website and a cumbersome process in general to garner membership have significant ownership in this situation. Having acquired every single recruiting accolade from this organization [multiple Founder's Awards, Red Jacket, Recruiting Necklace with jewels, and multiple Gold Stars] over the years resulting in 100's of friends and colleagues joining our organization, I have some proven strategies that may be of interest. See below for ideas to help expand your Chapter membership with intention. Strategy in Recruitment Three must-haves for effective recruitment and subsequent retainment: 1. A mission, vision, and value to the prospective member that is direct, simple, and easy to visualize. 2. Global modernization and an easy-to-access dedication to technology that supports websites, applications, renewals, and leveraging programs and projects. 3. Prioritizing customer service. We are volunteers. Simpler processes, efficient responses, and fostering a culture of valuing our volunteers and members is critical to growth. The link/button below has some general suggestions for your consideration. Aquiring Membership Strategies Contact I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect. 123-456-7890